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Car Accidents

Car Accident Lawyers in Nebraska and Iowa

Being injured in a car accident can be overwhelming. Even a minor fender bender can result in extensive property damage and serious physical injuries. The financial burden of a car accident can also cause emotional stress and other financial issues. The Nebraska car accident attorneys of Berkshire & Burmeister can help.

Car Accidents Cause Serious Injuries and Life-Altering Conditions

Traffic accidents include accidents involving passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, public transportation vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Some accident victims may sustain injuries that heal within a few weeks or months. However, other accident victims are not as fortunate.

Car accidents can result in traumatic and life-altering injuries, especially when the accident involves high speeds, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, pedestrians, or bicyclists. The disparity in the vehicles can have a significant impact on the severity of the injuries sustained by some of the victims. However, car accidents involving two passenger vehicles can also result in serious and life-threatening injuries.

Examples of common car accident injuries include:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Head injuries, including closed head injuries and penetrating head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries and back injuries, including paralysis and disc injuries
  • Brain injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Internal bleeding and damage to internal organs
  • Scarring, disfigurement, and serious burns
  • Amputations and loss of sensory functions
  • Neck and shoulder injuries, including whiplash
  • Soft tissue injuries

Regardless of the type or severity of your injury, you deserve compensation for your losses and expenses. The value of your car accident case depends on numerous factors. Our Nebraska car accident lawyers carefully analyze all factors involved in your car accident case to calculate the maximum value for your injury claim.

Calculating the Value of a Car Accident Claim

The value of your car accident claim depends on a variety of factors. Factors used when determining how much a car accident claim is worth include:

  • The type and severity of your injuries;
  • The total amount of financial losses (i.e. medical bills, loss of income, personal care, etc.);
  • Whether you sustained a permanent disability or impairment;
  • The availability of insurance coverage;
  • Whether liability is disputed or shared;
  • The location where your accident case would be heard if a lawsuit was filed; and,
  • Whether you hired an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your car accident claim.

Your actions also have an impact on the value of your injury claim. For instance, a delay in medical care could be used against you by the insurance company to argue that your injuries are not as severe as you now claim, or the accident did not cause the injuries. Providing a written or recorded statement to the insurance company can also harm your case. Signing medical release authorizations and other forms without consulting a personal injury lawyer can also harm your case.

You can help your case by consulting with a Berkshire & Burmeister car accident attorney as soon as possible after your car crash. Our legal team guides you through each step in the process of filing a car crash claim. We handle investigating the claim, preparing a settlement demand, negotiating with the insurance company, and filing a car accident lawsuit, if necessary. We take care of the legal matters so you can take care of yourself and your family.

Contact a Nebraska Car Accident Attorney for More Information

If you have questions about an Iowa or Nebraska car accident case, contact the Law Firm of Berkshire & Burmeister for a consultation with an attorney. Call 402-827-7000 now to speak with an attorney.

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